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作者:大学时间:2024-08-17 04:14:15 阅读数: +人阅读



  The University of Sheffield是英国顶jian大学,世界百强名校,位于英国第四大中心城市谢菲尔德市,建校历史可追溯到1828年。谢菲尔德大学是英国zui具影响力的研究型大学之一,也是世界著名的教学科研中心。经过一百多年的发展,谢菲尔德大学已经培养出了多位诺贝尔奖得主,在教学与科研方面有着崇高的声誉,有来自世界128个国家的2.5万多名学生。

  作为英国zui著名的“红砖大学”之一,谢菲尔德大学是英国众多百年老牌知名大学中zui具有国际声望的世界一流大学之一,为英国zui顶jian一流大学联盟罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)、欧洲大学协会( EUA)、世界大学联盟( WUN)、白玫瑰大学联盟的成员。



  A short portfolio containing examples of your visual work. This could be any visual/creative output including drawings or images that you produced in connection with you first degree. If your first degree was in a non-visual discipline then it would be helpful if you could send us examples of other art work, such as landscape drawings or sketches, or other responses to landscape. (Portfolio requirement only applies to the MA/Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture (LSCT123) and to the MA/Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Studies (LSCT124).


  A supporting statement



  You should supply a statement of at least 300 words giving your reasons for applying and any other information you want to include in support of your application. Among the issues you may wish to cover are how your previous education and experience relates to the course, and how the course fits into your long-term academic or career plans.


  Guidance on portfolio submission


  (Portfolio requirement only applies to the MA/Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture (LSCT123) and to the MA/Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Studies (LSCT124))


  Applicants with a degree and/or work experience in a design related discipline/profession should send us examples of their work in this field: 3-5 projects that demonstrate critical engagement with a subject and skill in interpreting it in drawings and models.


  Other applicants may send us any previous visual/creative/landscape work they have done e.g. Art/design work done at school; craft/hobby outputs; photographs of garden/planting design. They should also send us some landscape drawings/images (not photographs). We suggest roughly 6 pieces of work. We recommend that you draw a landscape that evokes a strong response in you or that you are interested in. The emphasis should be on conveying the characteristics and qualities of this landscape as vividly and clearly as possible. You may use any media (pencil, charcoal, watercolour etc). We are not looking for technical competence at this stage but rather a commitment to expressing your ideas about landscape in a visual format. You may use a combination of words and text (restricted to 150 words).

  公文包必须以数字形式作为单个pdf或powerpoint文件提交。它们的长度不应超过20页,大小不应超过25 MB。我们目前不接受网页链接发送的公文包,所以请直接将您的公文包上载到您的在线应用程序。请确保您的姓名同时出现在文件名和公文包中。

  Portfolios must be submitted digitally as a single pdf or a powerpoint file. They should be no more than 20 pages in length and 25 MB in size. We currently dont accept portfolios sent by weblinks, so please upload your portfolio directly to your online application. Please ensure that your name appears in both the file name and in the portfolio itself.



  Overall IELTS grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each component, or equivalent.




